Contributions of salmon meat are broadly well-known:
- it is an important source of first-rate proteins, it is hypo-alergic
- it is a rich source of Ω-3 non-saturated acids and so it correctly balances the proportion between Ω-3 a Ω-6 non-saturated acids.
- it contains iodine, natural antioxidants and vitamins - especially D and B
- protects from heart and vessel complaint; supports brain activity and intelligence growth
- improves the health and protects from diseases of skin and hair (phlogistic diseases, thin hair, ichtyosis)
- regenerates joints and bones (slows down arthritis)
- suppress anxiety improves the mood
The fresh atlantic salmon protein (non-dried) is hence the most significant ingredient
of the complete dogfood Lososky. It comes from Scotland and it's content in the food formula
(at least 18%) as well as careful processing of it means a considerable benefit for all age
groups of dogs. Especially hypo-alergic effect, stress immunity and brain support are significant.